Friday, April 17, 2009

Palletteers travel south to Castle Nugent

Mario Gaspari tells us about Castle Nugent's history.

Hey, look who's here!

We found Castle Nugent to be such a peaceful place to spend the morning! It was enchanting to walk around this southshore property. Our host, Mario Gaspari, greeted us and told us some of Castle Nugent's history. Then we were free to explore and paint. As one P exclaimed, "There are a hundred things I want to paint! How can I choose just one?" This may explain why most of us didn't complete our paintings: we were too busy taking pictures and being mesmerized by the views. Oh, you can't have Castle Nugent without cows and a few curious ones did come by to see what we were up to! So of course, I had to include them in this blog too!

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