Arriving in a slight drizzle, I was greeted by 6 tail wagging, barking dogs. As I got out of my car to look around, Jack, our host, gestured for me to come into his home (the former stables) and showed me around. What a great place: 12" thick walls, vistas over the extensive green lawn out to the sea and beyond, a private courtyard, covered porch and breezeway, and lots of character!
Slowly the rest of our brave group of Palletteers arrived: Chris B, Elizabeth, Elwin, Brenda, Alma and me. Later we were joined by Gene with his grandson Henry. We all faced the same dilemma: chance getting caught in a downfall like those that'd been occurring all week long or "play it safe" and paint on the covered breezeway or porch or in the courtyard under a protective canopy of trees? The greathouse ruins amid the stately hilltop sugarmill beckoned ...but the only places to get a good view were exposed to the weather. The garden courtyard featuring a lovely lily pool surrounded by ferns and other greenery, a blooming frangipani, and a few turtles were really tempting. The breezeway held several cages of twittering, chirping birds. Were they asking us to memorialize them in a painting? Hmmm... We made our decisions, set up our work spaces, took photos, and started painting. We were all inspired!