Monday, May 3, 2010

Palletteers Paint at the Mac Donald's

What a beautiful time we had on Friday when we painted at the home of Tom and Ruby Mac Donald. Even though the unexpected heat wave St. Croix had been experiencing for the prior week continued, we were kept cool by the soft breezes coming in from the sea and able to focus on capturing the crystal blues of the sea and the rich greens of the countryside. There were views from every room and patio.. so we spread out and had a painting "field day"! The quiet of the morning was disturbed only by the flapping of the occasional sailboat as it tacked through the bay and the chatter of the artists. Our morning's activities sure worked up an appetite! We really appreciated the lasagna, salad, garlic bread, fruits, and dessert (2 kinds!) that Ruby had ready for us and I'm afraid we ate with much gusto! It was the perfect finale to our perfect painting morning! Thanks Ruby and Tom!

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