Tuesday, August 2, 2011

ARTfarm located at Estate Longford

If you live on a tropical island like St. Croix, most of your food items are shipped in. However, St. Croix is very fortunate that we also have an organic farming venture, ARTfarm. Run by local artists Luca & Christina Gasperi, ARTfarm is a small organic vegetable farm and art gallery located on our South Shore. Some of the farm's recent farmstand offerings were giant avacados, baby spicy salad mix, microgreens, arugula, asian water spinach, garlic chives, basil, thai basil, lemongrass, bananas, malay apple, mesple, mangoes and strawberry guava! It makes my mouth water just to write all that! You can only imagine how much the Palletteers looked forward to painting at this unique farm! We weren't disappointed: we discovered that this is a real farm, complete with cows and chickens and tractors and all that! You'll be able to find out more about them and even find a photo of our visit there if you go to their web site, http://artfarmllc.wordpress.com

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