A long winding road took us to the charming Judith's Fancy home of Carmelo and Nilsa Rivera. Their home had a breath-taking view of Triton Bay, Salt River, and the Caribbean which many of us proceeded to try to capture with our paints. We spent the morning enjoying the cool breezes coming from the Northwest and getting acquainted with our lovely hostess while we worked on our paintings. All too soon it was time for "show and tell" which we set up on the steps near the pool (no, none of us fell in!). After the customary oohing and ahing, Carolyn said she wanted to make a speech. I thought that maybe she wanted to tell us that she was going to be going back to South Africa again... which made me even more surprised when she presented me with a gift from the Art in the Garden artists, instead. I think, for once, I was speechless...well, almost! Thank you ALL for your generosity! As many of you know, organizing Art in the Garden is the main focus of my life during the months leading up to the show...in fact, at times, it literally takes over my life. However, helping the Palletteers have their "moment in the sun"....seeing the artists' thrill in being a part of the show... and, of course, hearing all the complements about it... all make it worthwhile for me: it's a true labor of love Thanks you, once again! Your gift is MUCH appreciated... Cheap Joe's, here I come! :^)
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