After show and tell we adjourned to nearby Chenay Bay where a discussion of "What is a Palletteer?" took place. Our Palletteer history says "The Palletteers is a loosely organized group of people who like to paint (plein air). We get together year round, once a week at a different location, paint for two to three hours, gather to show and tell (not required) and often go to a nearby restaurant to have lunch together." Should we change that definition? If you're on our mailing list, does that mean you are a Palletteer? Do you have to come and actually paint with us to be a Palletteer? For that matter, is it even necessary to paint at all to be a Palletteer? Can you just draw, use crayons or pastels, take photos, write, or only visit or have lunch with us to be a Palletteer? Some of you may know that there's a group of former Palletteers who have moved off island and have written to tell me that they still want to be on our mailing list. That's no problem for me. I think of them as our Palletteer Cheering Section because they often send an email to support or comment on our endeavors even if they can't be here to participate in them with us. It'd be interesting to get some input from more of you, so if you have any opinions on "What is a Palletteer, " email us at to share them.
In another vein, it's been suggested that since some of our paintings are still not finished by the time we have our show and tell, the finished versions should be brought back for us to see at a later session. So expect to see those artworks featured once in a while on the blog.
Consider signing up for the 7th WORLDWIDE Paint Out. We have not had a grou from St. Croix before and registration is free.
We are on FACEBOOK or register at
Internaional Plein Air Painter Organization
J.R. Baldini
I think since the Palletteers is generally a non-rules group, perhaps a new iron-clad rule be that a member shows up at least once a year. Maybe.
Since there are no dues, no elections, no much of anything, why is this an issue? I am a Palletteers nearby. I often almost show up, and instead spend the time nearby, like I have the the last two weeks.
One thing: I would appreciate if all the emails could be directly art related.
But,,, I guess a member needs to be defined for admittance to the show next year?
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