Monday, August 3, 2009

Palletteers Paint at Lalita's

The friendly staff at Lalita's gave the Palletteers free range of their lovely restaurant. Elizabeth and I were enamored of the koi pool in the center of the outdoor garden.
A gorgeous orchid caught Phebe's eye. Elvin liked the shuttered window and plant.
Jen and Emy produced two different oil paintings of the restaurant itself.
Laura had fun doing a watercolor of a potted plant and the coconuts scattered next to it. While she was painting, the chef came by, machete in hand, and opened a bunch of them.
Palletteers standing or sitting over their painting set-ups, brushes flying, pallets decorated with gobs of color, everyone immersed in the production of their morning's artwork: Such was the scene while we painted our morning away at Lalita's on Friday. After an interesting show and tell session, we enjoyed each other's company around a healthy, tasty lunch while getting to know our newest member, oil painter Jen, a little better.

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